.. Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Erik Svensson Licensed under the MIT license. :mod:`transmissionrpc` --- Module reference ########################################### .. module:: transmissionrpc .. moduleauthor:: Erik Svensson This documentation will not describe all RPC fields in detail. Please refer to the `RPC specification`_ for more information on RPC data. .. _RPC specification: http://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/rpc .. contents:: :depth: 3 Exceptions ========== .. autoclass:: TransmissionError .. attribute:: original The original exception. .. autoclass:: HTTPHandlerError .. attribute:: url The requested url. .. attribute:: code HTTP error code. .. attribute:: message HTTP error message. .. attribute:: headers HTTP headers. .. attribute:: data HTTP data. Torrent object ============== Torrent is a class holding the information received from Transmission regarding a bittorrent transfer. All fetched torrent fields are accessible through this class using attributes. The attributes use underscore instead of hyphen in the names though. This class has a few convenience attributes using the torrent information. Example: :: >>> import transmissionrpc >>> t = transmissionrpc.Torrent({'id': 1, 'comment': 'My torrent', 'addedDate': 1232281019}) >>> t.comment 'My torrent' >>> t.date_added datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 18, 13, 16, 59) >>> .. autoclass:: Torrent :members: Session object ============== Session is a class holding the session data for a Transmission session. Access the session field can be done through attributes. The attributes available are the same as the session arguments in the Transmission RPC specification, but with underscore instead of hyphen. ``download-dir`` -> ``download_dir``. .. class:: Session(fields = {}) *fields* should be an dictionary build from session information from an Transmission JSON-RPC result. .. method:: Session.update(other) Updates the Session object with data from *other*. *other* should be a Session object or session information from an Transmission JSON-RPC result. Client object ============= This is it. This class implements the JSON-RPC protocol to communicate with Transmission. Torrent ids ----------- Many functions in Client takes torrent id. A torrent id can either be id or hashString. When suppling multiple id's it is possible to use a list mixed with both id and hashString. Timeouts -------- In Python 2.6 it is possible to supply a timeout to a HTTP request. This is accessible through transmissionrpc by either changing the timeout property of a Client object or supply the named argument ``timeout`` in most methods of Client. The default timeout is 30 seconds. .. autoclass:: Client :members: